This year, we have seen several monumental events that already are, or potentially could be, pivotal to the future of the Laboratory Developed Test (“LDT”) industry – first, the issuance of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (“FDA” or the “Agency”) final rule in May, which established a staged plan that will phase out FDA’s previous policy of enforcement discretion for LDTs; second, the overturn of the Chevron Doctrine in Loper v. Raimondo in late June; and third, the recent election of Donald Trump as the forty-seventh president of the United States. And of course there are the legal challenges—difficult to predict with the maelstrom of news over the past few months. However, we now have the context necessary to assess these challenges and make some informed predictions about their future. While a host of legal theories have been lobbed at the rule, they each underscore a common sentiment—agencies should not be able to create their own authority, a position strengthened by the overturn of Chevron and election of Trump.Continue Reading LDT Final Rule Series: Part 3 – Legal Challenges